
RAKs and a Rosette Sample for Debbie

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!  I almost forgot to post a couple of cards I received for Fall and Halloween.  I can't believe we're heading in to November already!
This first card is from Tammi! My pic of her card doesn't do it justice!  I'm not a good photographer at all!  You can see more of  her beautiful creations here.  You'll love all of them!  Thank you very much, Tammi!  

This next card is from Suzan!  Isn't this witch the cutest?  You can see more of Suzan's beautiful creations here.Thank you so much, Suzan!

You can stop here as the following is just a sample of a layered rosette using Tim Holtz's Paper Rosette die.  I ran into Debbie at one of our LSS and we were talking about this die and how much we love it.  I just wanted to show her how I layer the pieces or "nest" the pieces.

I die-cut 3 pieces according to how many of each color paper I want my rosette to be.  The base layer, I leave as is, the second layer (from the outside in) I cut down to 1" (lay the scallops on the 1" line of your paper cutter), and the third piece is cut down to 3/4".  Before I start working on my rosette, I punch a 1" circle from cardstock and place a 3-D Glue Dot in the center and leave this on the side.  I accordian fold each piece and adhere the ends together.  I randomly add a touch of glue around the base rosette and "nest" the next layer in the pleats, keeping the inside ends even.  I again add a touch of glue around the second layer but in different areas so the glue doesn't "bunch up" in the same spot.  Nest your next layer, keeping the ends even.  Flatten out your rosette, turn it over, and while holding it down on your work surface with one hand, take the 1" circle with the glue dot and place it over the center.  Flip your rosette over to the right side and your rosette will now stay in place and you can adorn it whichever way you want to.  Here's a sample of a two- and three-layered rosette.  Nothing fancy, just a sample.
Well, that's it and October is already behind us!  I wish you all a wonderful new week and welcome November with more fun and crafting!  Thank you for stopping by, and until next time, stay safe.