
Blog Award from Kim

Happy Monday, going on Tuesday, Everyone! Well, I received a pleasant surprise from Kim today! She passed on an award to me and I am so touched and blessed to have met Kim in blogland! She is an amazing artist! She doesn't only make cards, but jewelry and other beautiful handcrafted items so go check out her blog here.

The instructions for this award is to pass it on to five bloggers, and answer a questionnaire with one-word answers (yikes!). Now you'll all know "the other side" of me LOL!
This is definitely not an easy task as there are so many of you out there that I would love to pass this on to, so I'll do it from the top of my head.
First the questions and my answers, then I'll name the 5 bloggers who may not have received this award yet.
1. Where is your cell phone? handbag
2. Your hair? brown
3. Your mother? home
4. Your father? Heaven
5. Your favorite food? Pasta
6. Your dream last night? blank
7. Your favorite drink? water
8. Your dream/goal? Travel
9. What room are you in? Craft
10. Your hobby? Cardmaking
11. Your fear? Roaches
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Europe
13. Where were you last night? working
14. Something you aren't? wealthy
15. Muffins? Cranberry
16. Wish list items? Stamps!
17. Where did you grow up? Honolulu
18. Last thing you did? Eat
19. What are you wearing? PJs
20. Your TV? off
21. Your pets? Bichon-Frise
22. Friends? Dynamic
23. Your life? Blissful
24. Your mood? Happy
25. Missing someone? Yes
26. Vehicle? Highlander
27. Something you're not wearing? makeup
28. Your favorite store? Michael's
29. Your favorite color? Lavender
30. When was the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? Ages
32. Your best friend? Sincere
33. One place that I want to go over and over? Japan
34. Facebook? yes
35. Favorite place to eat? CPK
Phew! Now, I would like to pass this on to: Linda, Kyoko, Denise, Janis, Joni