
simple felt trick-or-treat bags

Oscar is having a double Halloween birthday party with his little friend, Audrey.   It has been a lot of fun to plan, especially since I have a friend to work with (double the mom-power!).   We have been busily sewing felt trick or treat bags as party favors.  Here are the first three prototypes:

So far, we have a little army of pumpkin bags assembled, and the Frankenstein bags (my personal favorite) are all cut out, ready to be sewn next. 

These bags are ridiculously easy to make, and I'm putting together some templates for you ... they will definitely (probably, maybe) be ready sometime this week.  How's that for a vote of confidence?  Blogging is getting harder and harder by the day - Oscar doesn't nap in the afternoon anymore, I'm exhausted by the end of each day, and have thoughts of newborn preparations looming over my head (less than 6 weeks to go!).   You understand, right?  Thanks :)

UPDATE:  Find the templates and tutorial HERE