
homemade by my mom

Can I take a minute to brag on my mom? Because she is pretty amazing. My friends threw me a baby shower this weekend (thanks, guys!) and my mom shipped this Moses Basket to me for the occasion. Oh, and she made it. The basket, the liner, the bedding, the whole shebang. Incredible, right?

Isn't it gorgeous?!
I hope baby likes the view. I know it's just a tree, but it is pretty beautiful compared to the dark alley view most of our other windows provide.

Because my mom's so smart, having done this whole having-a-baby thing 8 times herself (I'm telling you - she's wonder woman!), the liner and mattress pads are all washable. Bless her heart for making two so I have a backup while doing laundry.

Last, but not least, a cozy matching quilt. Thanks, mom! You really are an inspiration.

p.s. to all of you who will inevitably ask, no, she does not sell her baskets. Sorry to make you so jealous. :)

UPDATE: Many of you asked about the fabric. The designer is Wendy Slotboom, and it is called XOXO The Cat, part of her "In the Beginning" fabric line. I saw it last night at The City Quilter in Manhattan, and it looks like it is readily available online. Just do a google search. :)