
so long for now


Maybe you have noticed, but I haven't been around much since Christmas.  I've been drafting this post for a long time, trying to come up with an acceptable list of reasons I'm putting the breaks on this blog, but haven't had the courage to actually publish it.  Besides, it is boring.

Here is the short version:  I took a little break from blogging this winter and felt nothing but relief.  I'm not sick, not pregnant, don't have major life changes on the horizon.  What I do have are three small, exuberant children who demand all the time and attention as I have to offer.  As much as I love blogging, something's gotta give.

For the past 7 years, I have really enjoyed being your crafty friend!  I'll still be sewing my brains out, I just won't be taking as much time to write about it.  You can see all my most current projects and pictures of some of the cutest kids on earth on Instagram (my username is homemadebyjill).   I know everyone does not use instagram, so I installed a photo widget here in the blog sidebar - check it out to my latest photos (you can click on them to see it bigger).

Even though I won't be here regularly, I do reserve the right to throw a post out here any time I like.  :)  That means when I finish Ruby's super awesome princess birthday party in July, you will be sure to see some pictures.

I hope someday return to a regular blogging schedule!  It may be a year or more, but I'm sure absence will make the heart grow fonder.  Until then, keep crafting, internet friends!
