
Daily Inspiration

Happy Aloha Friday Gals! Are we all ready for the weekend of fun creating and celebrating Mother's Day? My sister and I took my Mom to brunch today since she doesn't like "crowds" now that she's getting on in age. A time to reflect on who we are, how we were raised, how we treat or treasure people, and who have come into our lives and touched us in a positive way. Well, my life now evolves around crafting, and I have met many wonderful, talented people. Firstly, the one who encouraged me to start blogging, is Joy Nekonishi Uyehara and she has bestowed upon me this Inspiration Award (thank you ((again)), Joy!). The rules she gave us are: 1) link back to the person who gave it to you; 2) put the picture/award on your blog; 3) you can nominate anyone and as many as you choose; 4) leave a fact that no one knows about you; 5) leave a comment on the blog that gave you this award.

Fact: The name I use on my blog, is the name I used on my GET license hundreds of years ago when I was in a group of 5 gals making children's items and selling to some local stores!

Okay, now I nominate: Norma, Justine, Candy, Christine, Tricia. To Everyone out there, have a wonderful weekend and thank you for stopping by!