
Baseball Tee and a Geranium/Fashback Hybrid

I think baseball tees are my new favorite style of shirt.  I've always liked the look, but didn't realize how fast they are to make! I used Jess's Raglan Tee Tutorial to adapt the Banyan Tee pattern I've been using this week.  It is Oscar's new favorite.  The shorts are the Parsley Pants basic pattern, which I blogged about earlier.

For Ruby, I created an easy cap-sleeve top pattern by layering the front bodice from the Geranium Dress on top of the Flashback Skinny Tee pattern piece.  Since I was refashioning an Old Navy clearance shirt for the fabric, I just used the original shirt hem.  This was easily the fastest shirt I have every made!

I also made Ruby another pair of Bubble Pocket Shorts.  I can't tell you how much I like this pattern - perfection!  It makes the cutest shorts known to man.

This next top isn't for Kids Clothes Week.  Cora was just really cute today.  :) I mean, come on ... that hair!  I did make the shirt though, almost a year ago.  It was more of a tunic length originally, but still fits as a pretty cute little shirt.

And finally, I just had to document some sisterly love, since it is most rare at our house.  I see more smacks to the face and kicks between these two, so I have to savor it when hugging happens.