
Toilet Roll Painting

The boys have been asking to paint... a lot... and we ended up painting twice a day sometimes. After a few sessions of open ended painting, I thought it would be good to introduce something new for them to paint with to keep the interest. I looked into my recycle bin for crafting and I saw many toilet rolls. Yes, I have a bin where I keep things that I think can be put to good use to the children's crafts. This has been extremely useful. I used to see a craft, then collect materials and I never get to that craft. So, these days, I just look in my bin and see what I have. It's so much easier.

What You Need:
Toilet Rolls

They shouted "circle" while painting
K, can't bear to let go of his car while painting.
Y tried to use the rolls to stamp each other.
The toilet roll became a tunnel for his car to go through.
And K couldn't resist and invited his car to join in the painting.