
First Trip to the Post Office

We received a surprise present via mail from their friend one day. The boys were very excited to receive the present and the boys wanted to send a mail back. I got a coloring book and a stationery set for them to post. I thought it's a great opportunity to let them learn about Mails and Postman.
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Y drawing "something" for his friend.
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K said he drew a Singapore Flyer.
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K putting his gift and card into the envelope.
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Y too.
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Y jumped into his bed and told me he is ready for his nap after I said I will only bring him to the post office if he takes his nap. He had been skipping naps. 
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Boys with their $2 note and their parcels.
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In the queue to buy stamps.
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I just can't help laughing when I see the serious look on K's face.
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Y said to the lady at the counter very clearly, "I want to buy stamp!"
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K was hilarious. He was so nervous, he threw the parcel and the money on the table.
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Boys with their parcels, getting ready to drop into the mailbox.
It was a happy day after posting the parcels to their friend. They had a better understanding of how to mail a letter or parcel.