
giveaway winner!

Wow - I can't believe so many of you commented! Thanks so much for stopping by. :)

And the winner is .... klarobinson215, who said, "What a groovy little fellow! I have always wanted a sock dog :)"

Email me your mailing address to homemadebyjill@gmail.com, and I'll send Preppy Dog right away. I hope you or someone special enjoy him!

When comments started flying in, I thought back to last year when I did a giveaway, which was also a sock dog. Coincidentally, it was also posted on October 1 (and that really is a coincidence ... I didn't plan it). At the time, I didn't have many readers, but I remember saying to Jared, "I bet I'll get 30 comments on this!" which would have been huge for me. Then I got 8 comments in the three days I let the giveaway run. Woo! :)

So I guess my point is, a blog can change a LOT in a year. In September 2007 I had around 350 total visits. In September 2008, folks popped in 23,031 times! I am wowed. I am honored. Thank you so much.