
works in progress

So my excuse for not having a great finished project to show off is ... my baby stopped sleeping through the night. Bleh. So I've been going to bed earlier, which really cuts into crafting time. To sleep or to craft? It is my constant dilemma.

Anyway, I've started painting some little wood blocks for Oscar. They'll have letters, numbers, and shapes by the time I'm finished. I'll tell you more about these in a future (hopefully near future) post.

Also, I've been making a little progress putting together a craft nook in the new apartment. We no longer have a spare room, but we do have an extra walk-in closet. Hubby and I debated over whose hobby demanded the space, but he's a softy and let me take it. Gotta love him.

I feel like it needs more color and something pretty. This is my happy place, so I need a good dose of cheer when I open those closet doors. And since I only have, oh, a third of my supplies in here so far, I'm going to have to get smart about more storage. I'm thinking more drawers up on the closet shelf. Any ideas?

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