

Happy Thursday fellow crafters!  It's time again for Tamiko's Thursday Teaser, and this week, our assignment is embellishments:  brads, buttons, bling!  Here's my card:

My card base is 5.5" square cut from SU! pink pirouette, followed by soft suede.  DPs are from Memory Box stack.  Here I've stamped "Maria" from the "Roll Call" set that I bought from Tamiko's online store.  There are so many images in this set that I love.  Maria is colored with Copics, cut out, and adhered with foam tape on two SB big scalloped circles (large) die-cuts. I adhered tiny flower buttons to the flower in her hair, a star button on the bow, and a pearl brad to the bling flourish on the side.  You can see what the other CT members came up with by going here.
Thank you for stopping by today!  Tomorrow is Friday already, and can you believe OCTOBER??? I'm sure you're all ready for the weekend!  I know I am!  The CT is getting together just to "hang out" and talk about our upcoming assignments and challenges so that will be fun and it's always nice to get the gals together for fun and eating!  Enjoy your weekend.