

Oh how EXCITING!  Kris is having her 3rd child, a boy, and we're here to help celebrate with her.  If you arrived from Linda's Blog, you are on the right track and your next stop is Jodi-Ann's Blog.  If not, go back to the start at Lollipop Crafts here, and hop along with us.  It would be nice if you leave a comment on each blog as there is a prize hidden somewhere and the winner will be announced by Kim Yu on the Lollipop Crafts Blog on Sunday, August 15, 2010.  I have a pic of the prize below.  CONGRATULATIONS KRIS!!!  Here is my card for you, Kris:

I am sending her some love and best wishes on the inside which will be written later.  I made a "bib" and when you lift the top, there's a blank area to write my note to her.

Here is a pic of the prize some lucky person will win.  So c'mon, join the hop, leave a message and check back on the Lollipop Crafts blog on Sunday, August 15, 2010!  Thank you for stopping by and following us as we "shower" Kris with our loving thoughts and well wishes!