
I Am Truly Blessed - Another Award

(Note: Edited to correct the blogsite for J's Knicknacks!)
It must be full moon time because I feel so blessed by all my blogging friends. Kyoko (thank you, Kyoko!!!) passed this Love Award on to me, and I am so touched by her genuine concern. She PM'd me to see if everything was okay with me because I hadn't posted for a while...just like her...big warm heart. I am to pass this on to five others, and it's a very hard decision, and is so deserving of ALL of you who take the time to visit and cheer me on. I would, however, like to mention a few of you that I know will continue to spread the love, and they are: Joy, who encouraged me to start blogging from my PCP days (thank you Joy!) and is known as the queen of shaker cards, Cheryl, who designs for her husband's store (J's Knicknacks) and has great tutorials, Linda, who boosts my spirit and has so many wonderful projects, Joy, my first "swap buddy" and Dew Drops provider, and Chris, our fearless leader for Nicole's Inky Impressions design team. To all my friends in blogland, I wish you love and happiness for being who you are! Have a wonderful week Everyone!