
Theme of the Week: Egg

We are doing an Egg theme this week.

Here's our lesson plan for Day 1:

Books: Chickens by Loriji Metz (Non-Ficion)
Songs (Chinese): 荷包蛋儿歌 (Video Link here) & 我的公鸡不见了儿歌 (MP3 Download Link)
  • Coloring
Color Rooster, Egg and Chick (Download Coloring Page here)
  • Mystery Box – Egg
Let the children explore the egg.
Break the egg into a bowl and introduce egg white and egg yolk.
Let them crush the egg shells

We did coloring. As you can see from this picture, kids are never quite cooperative.
But I'm still happy that Y cooperated.
And K too eventually.
K asked for a blank paper after he finished his coloring and started scribbling. He kept shouting "I" and I wondered why. Upon one look, I was surprised to see that he was actually trying to write the letter "I"!! And they do look like "I"! Y was impressed, he said "Didi draw I so nice!" What a sweet brother.:)
They explored the egg shells by destroying them.
And the egg, playing with it like Goop!