Thank you, dear blog readers, for the dishwasher. Thank you for coming to read and thank you if you have ever clicked on my ad space (may you never install ad blocker). ;)
Do you see the joy? I thought I'd do a little giveaway to show my gratitude - something handmade by yours truly. I wish I has something more fabulous to offer, but we are in a recession, people. Three lucky winners will receive one of the following items (your choice!):
A tote bag, similar to my spring tote (sadly, the orla kiely fabric is no longer available):
A set of (four) burp cloths (you choose girl, boy, or gender neutral fabric):
Or, a custom sock animal (within reason, folks. lets not get too exotic):
This giveaway is now CLOSED. Thanks for entering!
p.s. happy birthday, Dad!