I did a couple of homemade gifts for Christmas this year, and now that the holidays are over and gone, I can finally share! First up, monster hoodies for my sister's boys:
These are really fun, and a no-brainer. Find any plain hooded sweatshirt, and embellish the hood with felt teeth and some eyes (mine were a circle of felt and a button). You can buy hoodies like this online, but they are cheap and simple to do yourself. I think the idea would work equally as well with a shark fin, dinosaur embellishments, animal ears ... you name it.
Second, I made them a photo memory game using 2 inch wooden tiles:
I actually had the tiles on hand after doing a crazy random wood order from caseyswood.com a few months back, but you can probably find them at your local craft store. I was trying to think of something to do with them when I stumbled upon a post on a photo memory game at Jamie's Digital Designs. Jamie includes full instructions on how to make the game if you want to try it yourself. I got all the photo's straight from my sister's blog, so not only is it a memory game, it is full of memories from 2008.