
crafting for a cause

I came across a crafty volunteer opportunity online with WEME Mainstream Nutrition and Health Center - a meals-on-wheels program serving approximately 500 frail homebound elderly on the upper west side of Manhattan. They are looking for volunteers to make valentines day cards that will be hand delivered to the seniors. Many of the seniors in their program are lonely and feel forgotten. Hopefully, receiving a valentine will let them know that someone cares and is thinking of them!

Step 1: Get out all your pink and red crafting supplies, make a huge mess and go crazy.

Step 2: Send your sweet homemade valentine over to WEME and brighten someone's day.

If you'd like to participate, send your handmade valentines to the address below. They would like to receive the valentines by February 5th.

263 WEST 86th Street
New York, NY 10024

UPDATE: I contacted Beth at WEME, and she emailed me the following card suggestions

  • The cards should be approximately 4x6 inches, no envelope required
  • No heavy glue or glitter
  • Suggested message: "'Thinking of you' or 'Sending you Good Wishes,' etc. on Valentines Day"
  • Messages not suggested: anything including "V-Day" or "XX OO" (i.e. phrases the seniors may not be familiar with) or personal messages
  • Please sign the cards "From your Friends at WEME" - they would prefer no names

p.s. - fellow book clubbers: if any of you want to donate a valentine to the package I'm sending, please bring them to book club next Thursday!